Classes, Workshops and Casual Gatherings

Classes, Workshops and Casual Gatherings

The Cairns Potters Club runs various pottery classes and workshops throughout the year for both members and guests to the club. Classes and workshops are announced in our monthly newsletters.

cairns potters club


(Must be a financial member)

Wednesday 9am – noon
First Sunday of each month from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

The clubhouse is opened for members to practice their hand building, wheel throwing, decorating and glazing techniques and perhaps share a firing. It is also a chance to get to know other potters and share their joy in pottery making.

Pottery classes Cairns

Wheel Throwing classes with Geoff Riley

Introduction to Pottery – Wheel Throwing

Learn the art of wheel throwing with this small group 6 week class for adult beginners (Max 4 Students).

Commit to Six consecutive Tuesdays from 6pm to 9pm and unleash your inner artist!

Contact Geoff for term details and to book. 0400 397 980


Cost is $320 this includes clay and starter tool kit.

Glaze and firings are paid per piece.

pottery classes cairns
pottery classes cairns
pottery ceramic courses cairns
pottery classes cairns

Get In Touch

28A Grove Street Cairns QLD 4870
PO Box 1470 Cairns QLD 4870
